Writing a Hello World program is a little long for pasting into Stack Overflow. You may also want to add extra libraries like the DirectX libraries, (which you'll need if you're doing more advanced rendering with VMR9) and the WMFSDK (if you're working with Windows Media Format stuff).

Next, in Visual Studio, go to the following menu option: Tools -> Options, Projects & Solutions -> VC++ Directories Show directories for -> Include files Add this: C: Program Files Microsoft SDKs Windows v7.1 Samples multimedia directshow baseclasses Show directories for -> Library files Add these: C: Program Files Microsoft SDKs Windows v7.1 Samples multimedia directshow baseclasses Debug C: Program Files Microsoft SDKs Windows v7.1 Samples multimedia directshow baseclasses Release You should now be all set to build DirectShow programs.

Open that solution in Visual Studio and compile it for both Debug and Release modes. If you install the Windows SDK to it's default folder, you'll find the baseclasses here: C: Program Files Microsoft SDKs Windows v7.1 Samples multimedia directshow baseclasses In that folder, you'll find a Visual Studio solution file. To get a forecast for any other location worldwide, you. The simplest weather app! Thanks to geolocation, you know immediately the weather for your current location. 'Weather 5 days Free' provides daily weather forecasts for the next 5 days + hourly forecasts for the next 24 hours. Software Downloads for 'Directshow 5 Cakewalk Free Download'. You'll find the baseclasses in the Windows SDK. If you don't already have the baseclasses built, which you'lll need to do any DirectShow development, you must first compile the DirectShow baseclasses. Setting up Your Environment Setting up the environment is a cumbersome process, since DirectShow has now been buried deep in the Windows 7 SDK.