I'm not saying this directly refers to how my mom named me after the Virgin Mary and now I write sex toy reviews, but I'm also saying it might exactly be that. Because your parents are going to love you, they just want you to be safe." "Be who you are out in the world, and also, there's still this like feeling and need of, ‘Oh, I need to make my parents happy.' So Saturn comes around at 29, it basically puts all of this new pressure on you to like ‘adult’ in a new way that's authentic to you and your life, and separates you from what you think your parents want. "You spend your twenties giving yourself permission to, like, show off, exist, and really define your style," says Caponi. So if you ever hear an astrologer say something like "your Venus is in Gemini" or "your Venus sign is Gemini," they're referencing that a certain star sign (in this case Gemini) influences whatever personality trait that the planet (Venus) pertains to.

The main significance to these planets and their placement is that they represent different aspects of your personality. The planets are represented on natal charts by glyphs, and while alternative versions of said glyphs, exist, the below depiction is generally how you can expect them to appear.

Natal charts include planetary placements, which is where a given planet was when you were born, based on your geographic location. (And to follow along using your own personalized natal chart, run a free version using an online generator like this one.) How to read a natal chart using planets as a guide

Using my birth chart and the findings from several readings I've had using it, find an overview below of how to read a natal chart by recognizing planetary symbols and their placement.