You'd probably learn more about game design doing the official tutorails for VX Ace than reading many books on the subject. The create a char' picture wizard thing is a time saver and many of the game elements balance wizard could save you hours in a database or spreadsheet.īut my above grips are minor and the main package does what it says on the tin! But you pick it up fast so it would just save a few hours. As you have to spend lot of time messing and experimenting with the simple wizards while learning to get the ideas. 'Mega wizards' to make a boss fight - story scene - game intro -character conversations etc. I would like with the base package more default wizards included. There is enough default content included to make a game and point you in right direction if you want to make all the media yourself! (no included videos but that was it really!). I'm on day three and already doing stuff that isn't even in the official tutorials! Reading the forums you can do some really amazing stuff well beyond the sold features if YOU input the time.īut the basics are there with the default tool to get to that point, so even if you have never hand written HTML or basic, given a short time with VX ace you will start to get it! There are limits to the engine but the main limit is your imagination to the games you can make.Īnd the stuff you output will work on almost any PC with windows XP or better made from 2003 and beyond. After a short time you start to understand the idea of 'Triggers and events etc' and can hand code stuff as well as use the inbuilt simple wizards. It's easy to import your own Tilesets to make maps, pictures music and video (loads of tutorials on official and unofficial sites). Other functions have pre done simple tables to input into the script engine so you can just set the the amounts etc (like how long should a picture display). The very basic stuff has 'wizards' like a treasure chest or moving areas. (it's around that moment you know you will never complain about a bug in quest in Skyrim ever again). Then have a chest with a key so player has to take key to open a door etc. Day Two, I started to get my head around how you make people talk, interact etc.

I spent day one learning how to make maps and having fun! Then how to make my own tilesets and import pictures etc.